There was a time when working out and being in shape "filled" me with a euphoric happiness that was similar to a meditation. I'm told that when you work out, your body releases endorphins that are a chemical that literally make you happy. The gym used to make me very happy. What happens though, when you find your body not responding to working out the same that it used to... I'm not as strong as I once was. I don't have the energy that I once had. I'm not as fast and I'm definitely not as happy to be at the gym. Is my body saying something to me? And perhaps I'm just not listening?
I hurt my back yesterday working out. I thought I was doing the exercises properly but this is the SECOND TIME in 6 months that I have injured myself like this. It's funny how you get used to a certain high that you classify as healthy: a gym high. And then when you find it hard to attain this high again, you meaning ME; I get so ANGRY.
I'm quite sure that things happen for a reason and that the universe just works. So I have listened to all the good advice on getting well coming mostly from my dancer friend Ian. And I will let myself stay away from free weights until it is safe. haha. There are times that I really feel like an old man and it's so embarrassing at 29 years old to feel this way. But then I think of the rigorous exercise I have put this body through over the years and it's no wonder that it is begging for a break.
My guess is that sometimes our bodies, our minds, and our hearts scream out for a break, a breathe of fresh air, a moment to relax and just exist and appreciate all that is around. And when we don't listen they make themselves heard.
A place where we relax our minds, our hearts, and our bodies... is magic.
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